Friday 22 March 2013

On My Way

I will need inspiration, tenacity and buckets of encouragement. Just when my life seemed to have been running on a smooth, chartered course I have placed a challenge before myself. I do not know why one day I woke up and started to rummage through my cupboards looking for my transcripts. I found only half the proof of my education and headed out the door to fight for the other half. It seems I have won this battle for a reason. I have been given my degree and it seems life now says to me, "here you go stubborn ass now what will you do?"
So I am on a quest again. I have chosen to sit for my Masters in English this year. To some this means something they did and got over with a long time ago. To me it means I get to tell my grandchildren stories from Shakespeare, read to them Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and warn them of the pitfalls of being so full of yourself that you sell your soul to the devil. I get to put on my resume that I know what I am talking about when I stand before a class of expectant teenagers waiting to hear a story. I do not know if it will lead to me becoming an author some day but it sure as hell keeps me going each day. I not just turn the pages of Milton's Paradise Lost I lose myself in the words of these Greats and bathe myself in their knowledge knowing that I grow every day every way.
It can come to you at any age this thirst for learning. This is my Renaissance. A time to stand tall and prove to all those teachers who judged my carefree attitude as a youngster. I'm on my way to striving again, I'm struggling, teasing my brain cells and loving each second of it. So here's to Mr Bacon, Dryden, Shaw, Bunyan, Donne, Marlowe, Jonson, Pope, Wordsworth and so many others that now accompany me on my journey to self discovery.

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